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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
spiral oval & star 5
square star circle & arrows 44
square & star 19, 35, 37, 40
square circle & star 35, 41
square circles & star 14, 35
squares star & oval 5, 9, 42
squares star circles arrows 44
squares & star 5, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 36, 42
squares circle & star 16
squares triangles & star 35
star 30
sri CITY +star 9, 11, 16, 19, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
st. peter's +star & shield 20
star 41
star +star & arc 9
star +star & circles 34
star +lion & star 29
star +man book & star 41
star OPTEX +star 9
star SAT +star 9
star city +star 12
star gold +star 16
star plus +star 4
star solutions +star 36
star special +star 21
star travels +star 16
star 30
stripes star & shield 25
success MAGNET +star 16
sun star drop arrow 43
sun & star 16, 30
star 16
sun moon star +star & oval 29
sun moon star +star & oval 29
super star 5, 9
super star DESHI +star 30
super star SHYAM BAND 41
super star SPI +stars 2
super star herbal henna 3
super 77 DOABA +star 3
super BERKELLY super +star 34
super FERRO head +ring star 9
super HUMACT-p +star 1
super I.T.C. +star 34
super ITC +man star & oval 34
super ITC LIMITED +star 34
super LENCY +star 32
super METRO +star 7
super NIMCO +star & circle 3
super RAINBOW +star & arcs 9
super SONAPATI soap +star 3
super STAR +star 7, 25, 30, 33, 34
super STAR +star & circle 9, 23
super STAR AGAR AGAR +star 1
super STAR DX +star 9
super STAR gutkha +star 31
super VIDHATA +star 3
super star DESHI +star 30
super wash 555 +star 3
supremo +crown & star 8
swiss HILLS +square & star 16
swiss JUNCTION +star 25
sword star & circle 3, 5, 11, 21
sword & star 41
swords crescent & star 29
sysmox-250 SHINEMA +star 5
t +star 14
t TAMBERI +star 3
t TEE STAR +star & circle 16
t TISCO FABRICS +star 24
t aerosol +star 1
t-star 30
tata TRACEL +star 1
texas CHICKEN +star & circl 29, 43
texas chicken +star & circl 29
three star GOLD 2
ticks & star 9
star 16
time star tea +star pot cup 30
time star tea +star pot cup 30
top +circle & star 42
top DENT +star 3
star 24
star 24
tri star COLMAN +star 9
tri star COLMAN +star 9
tri-star COLMAN 9, 16, 28
triangle star & oval 37
triangle & star 5, 10, 11, 35
triangles star & circle 44
triangles star & circles 44
triangles & star 5, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41
tristar COLMAN +star 16
ts +star & circle 12
twigs & star 16
u +star 14
u-COTEN +star 5
v +star 5
v-star 25
v-star +star 18
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